Editing and Proofreading Services for Students and Professionals in Singapore

Editing and Proofreading are important parts of enhancing the overall quality of a paper written by a Singaporean student. Students often ponder that they get low marks in their academics despite writing all the answers specific to what is being asked in the question. This is because of errors in the paper which could be in the form of grammatical errors or concept errors, and they need editing and proofreading. There is significant importance of editing and proofreading in enhancing the quality and credibility of a written work.

Clear convey of ideas: The major benefits that can be accomplished from editing and proofreading a paper includes enhancement in the clarity of the paper. Wrongly structured sentences lead to wrong interpretation and may contribute towards low marks in academics. With proper editing and proofreading, it would be possible to refine sentences and paragraphs, and thereby convey the ideas accurately to the readers.

Error free document: Proof reading is highly effective in identifying the errors in the document. The major mistakes by a student are in the form of spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, excessive use of passive voice etc, and they adversely affect the overall credibility of the paper. Even though these errors are minor, they have the potential to significantly affect the marks negatively. It is therefore essential to proofread the work to avoid any such grammatical errors.

Avoiding miscommunication: With incorrect grammars or sentences, there is a higher possibility of misinterpretation by the readers. Inaccurate wordings may give completely wrong understanding about the concept or ambiguous sentences make it difficult for the reader to understand the message of the text. Proper editing and proofreading is therefore essential in order to avoid any such kind of miscommunication and also in ensuring that the correct message is received by the reader.

How editors and proofreaders ensure error free documents at AssignmenthelpSingapore.sg?

At Assignmenthelpsingapore.sg, we have experienced editors and proofreaders that understand the importance of clear, polished and error free communication. Our editors and proofreaders are highly professional and they examine the documents thoroughly to make sure that they are free from any kind of grammatical or spelling errors, and punctuation inaccuracies. The editors are also highly experienced, and they examine the text thoroughly by refining the structure of a sentence, eliminating any kind of redundancies and ensuring that there is a proper flow of content throughout the document, to make it look perfect. The editors are qualified enough to enhance the clarity of the message so as to make it easier for the readers to understand. They can handle all types of papers including academic, business documents or any other types of professional work.
The primary focus area of our proofreaders and editors are therefore on:

Maximum use of active voice:

Our proofreaders and editors emphasise on the use of active voice as compared to passive voice because it helps in establishing clarity about who is taking action in the sentence.

Redundancy correction:

Redundancy in writing is one of the major problems with students and they often do not realise that the same concept is repeated throughout the paper. Our editors are highly qualified to identify the redundancies throughout the text, and help them trim to make it more relevant and meaningful to the readers.

Spellings and grammar:

The proofreaders are well experienced enough to identify spellings and grammatical issues in the paper. They not only utilise their own skills and abilities, but also make use of professional grammar checking tools such as grammarly to make sure that the paper is completely free from any kind of errors.

Proofreading and editing services for all types of documents

At AssignmenthelpSingapore.sg, we provide editing and proofreading services for all types of documents whether it is an assignment, essay, report, thesis or dissertation writing. It is not only the academic documents that are being edited and proofread by our experts, but we also cover our services for business documents as well. The ultimate aim is to make the document error free so as allow the readers to interpret the correct idea or message from the text. Our editing and proofreading services therefore include:

Assignment editing and proofreading:

We have subject matter editors and proofreaders to ensure that quality editing and to proofreading assignment writing services are delivered to all Singaporean students. Assignments from all subjects including accounting, law, nursing, business, finance are edited and proofread by our subject matter editors and proofreaders to ensure success to students.

Essay editing and proofreading:

Our editors and proofreaders also help in editing and proofreading essays written on any subject matter. They are good at correcting the format of an essay and make sure that essay is free from redundancies and grammatical errors, the message flows in a logical sequence throughout the essay.

Thesis editing and proofreading:

The chances of errors are significantly higher in case of thesis writing, and we have experienced thesis editors and proofreaders that are well qualified to handle such long pieces of document to make them error free. They check for clarity and precision of the content, existence of any redundancies, grammar check and formatting check to make sure that thesis is written perfectly.